Intro Blog
Hi, my name is Aleiah Luster. I'm 15 years old and was born on June 7th, 2006. I have 3 siblings and am the youngest. I enjoy doing things like reading, playing sports, and painting. As a 10th grader, this is technically my first time being in a true high school learning environment. So far, I think I'm adjusting well. Since it's my first year at my current high school, I am trying out new things and meeting new people. For example, I joined my school's dance auxiliary team. I am also in the process of joining groups like Key Club. Outside of school, I like to relax and hang out with my best friend because they go to a different high school. I also currently have an internship at a local museum. This class so far is very engaging. Multiple things played a part in me taking this class. First, the course description caught my eye. It painted the class in a fun yet educative way, which is one of the reasons I chose it. Secondly, I thought the concept of the class would be something cool to try out. Though I know what I want my profession to be, I still am not opposed to new ideas and decided to give film a try. So far, this class already seems like it could open the doors for me to explore film and media more than a hobby or potential career. Based on what we've done in class, I feel like it will offer me an amazing chance to grow on my educational path. In terms of this class, I think this current school year will go great.
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