Production Blog: Music
My group and I chose to use the song "Tiptoe through the Tulips" during our movie. I already knew the song since I learned it on the ukulele. When the group was suggesting songs it did take a while for us to pick this one though. Everyone had different wants when it came to the song. As a collective many songs were reviewed and either scraped or put on a maybe list. It was agreed that the song would be creepy but that's still a very broad field. I suggested this song and it was kind of put back on the drawing board due to not being that popular. When everyone sat down and listened to the song together it became clear that it was going to be our final choice. This song also has it's own kind of spooky element to it that would enhance the movie. It's simple and should a nice song but yet the way it's sung leaves the listener just a tad bit unsettled. This is a good trait for a horror movie song to have. Another good thing about this song was that it's royalty free. In class if your group wanted to use a song for the movie and it wasn't royalty free then they had to ask permission. The thing is asking permission takes a lot of time. There's also the possibility that the company who owns the rights might not even grant them to you. Therefore, having a song that was royalty free made the process a lot easier. It became decided that the music would be playing in the background of most of the film. It is planned to stop when Lili startles awake to answer the doorbell. During this time the chorus of the song will be constantly repeating. All in all, I find this song to be extremely beneficial to the movie and I'm glad that it was chosen.
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