Intro Blog
Hi, my name is Aleiah Luster. It's a new school year and I'm back ready to for A Level Mediastudies. I'm 16 years old and was born on June 7th, 2006. I have the siblings and am the youngest in my family. I still enjoy reading, and sports. I'm also currently in my junior year. I've recently added a new hobby to my list though. Throughout these past months of taking the class I've came to the realization that I actually really like filming. Taking AS level allowed me to expand on very basic knowledge I had about film. I even got to apply it which really excites me. I'm ready to start working on what's required for A level. Throughout last year I learned so much in terms of media / filming. I improved and built on my previous skills in many ways. For example, storyboards were something that I've done before taking this class but my execution of them improved over the duration the AS level course. I also learned many new things that year, like how to shoot and edit videos. My vocabulary has also been constantly increasing since last school year. Taking A level seems slightly challenging and a little intimidating. Despite that, I'm ready to put my best foot forward and try my best at it. I can't wait to see how this will go. Till next time!
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